Mag Force

About Us

We have earned a remarkable reputation as manufacturers and exporters of Embroidery Badges &amp: Patches .Uniforms etc., from Sialkot – Pakistan. Our prime concern is to satisfy our clients. Thus we endeavor to supply superior quality products at reason-able prices. We also focus on prompt service and on schedule delivery. OUR PRODUCTS: We are present an expansive rage of products that are sure to delight you. All kinds of Handmade Machine Badges made with the finest materials are our main product lines. OUR CLIENTS: We have exported to nations around the world including the highly demanding markets of USA and Europe. We look forward to a long term mutually advantageous relationships with your company. In order to stay ahead in the ever changing world of fashion it is imperative to be innovative. SAMPLES If you have any own Design / Samples to manufacture, please send us. We will be happy to ma. Counter-Samples as per your exact Design / Specifications and send you these to compare our quality, workmanship with your competitors and market need. Moreover.